History - Sounds That Art Makes (1990)
October 26 - 27, 1990 - Another Language Performance Studio, 345 West Pierpont Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah

History | History Text | History Posters | 1990 | Sounds That Art Makes | Poster | Program | Video | Behind-The-Scenes

Poster - The design of this poster was an abstract representation of a music score. Absurd musical notation printed on simulated parchment. The poster was designed by Jimmy Miklavcic.
Program - There were two programs for Sounds That Art Makes. One for each night. The contents of each were photocopy art with objects from each of the performers or other objects relating to audio.
Video - Videos of the various performances include Music for Bubble Biters, performed by Another Language, Elemental Alchemies by Mark C. Jackman, Raven (Diane) Simons and Scott Simons, Being Time by Harold Carr, Andrew Voigt, Steve Flygare, Eponine Cuervo Moll and Improvisations by Henry Kaiser and Jin Hi Kim and more.
Behind-The-Scenes - Video clips of October 27, 1990 intermission. Jimmy H. Miklavcic, Lorenzo Ciacci and Henry Kaiser setting up for Henry Kaiser and Jin Hi Kim's performance.