Duel*Ality 2.0 (2012)
February 24-26 & March 2-4, 2012

Telematic Cinema | Duel*Ality 2.0 | Performers | Poster | Program | Images | Viewing Options | Publicity | DVD

Duel*Ality 2.0 Poster Design: Elizabeth Miklavcic

Another Language Performing Arts Company invites you to Duel*Ality, an upcoming telematic cinema project created and performed by Company Directors Elizabeth and Jimmy Miklavcic. This original work will deal with the concepts of relationships and personal duality.

Duel*Ality 2.0 examines the many sides of the two characters Duel (Jimmy Miklavcic), and Ality (Elizabeth Miklavcic). This telematic work focuses on two people and the way this duo encounters and functions in this technological world. It looks at the relationship of man and woman, human and computer, software and hardware, as well as, live performance and projected elements. The performance also explores the connection between elements of creativity and how the audience perceives them.

The script developed by Elizabeth and Jimmy Miklavcic is a dialogue between Duel and Ality as they wrestle with each other, their expressions, and their technological lives. Throughout the play, they use their computers as extensions of themselves. This telematic performance shows the human side of technology, revealing that everything and everyone has at least two sides.

Telematics is defined by Roy Ascott as "computer-mediated communications networking between geographically dispersed individuals and institutions...and between the human mind and artificial systems of intelligence and perception."

Duel*Ality 2.0 takes place in a Visualization Laboratory, the VisLab Black Box Theater, where the audience will experience 2D and 3D projections throughout the performance. These projections enhance the story by serving as visualizations of Duel and Ality's thoughts, enhancing the experience of the technological journey. Audience members will wear active stereoscopic glasses during the performance to view the 3D projections.

Duel*Ality 2.0 performances will be held February 24-25 at 7:00pm and February 26 at 4:00pm & March 2-3 at 7:00pm and March 4 at 4:00pm. The performance space will be at the University of Utah Intermountain Networking and Scientific Computation Center and will be in the Visualization Lab Black Box (VisLab) on the second floor, room 294. Admission is $7.00 general, $5.00 Another Language members and seniors. Students from any school will receive free admission. The VisLab will only seat 15-20 people, so reservations are highly recommended and can be made through the Another Language Web Store Box Office www.anotherlanguage.org/store, by calling the Another Language Office (801) 531-9419 or by emailing info@anotherlanguage.org. An audience discussion will follow the forty-five minute performance.

Another Language Performing Arts Company holds a reputation for creating unique, cutting edge work and Duel*Ality 2.0 will continue in the tradition of the unexpected. Be a part of this one of a kind event by attending the performances at University of Utah. Information on live streaming viewing options is available.