Elizabeth A. Miklavcic - Choreographic Works
Foibles of Faith or The Human Side of Holy Worship

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(1990) Foibles of Faith or The Human Side of Holy Worship
Choreographed by Elizabeth A. Miklavcic this video of a rehearsal in May 1990 provides more visibility of some of the choreography and manipulation of the black material. Jimmy and Beth's young daughter, who was at most rehearsals, can be seen going in and out of the dance.

(1990) Foibles of Faith or The Human Side of Holy Worship
Choreographed by Elizabeth A. Miklavcic this work is an examination of two bizarre church stories that represent universal strange worship experiences. The female role represents the abuse or manipulation of symbolic icons. The debut was performed for Another Language Performing Arts Company's On The Gutting Ledge Concert, June 1-3, 1990.